Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Insanity Workout - Day 29 (Week 5 day 1)

Core Cardio & Balance

Today I was at 185.4 lbs! That's a nice milestone I'm happy to hit. I had dropped from 200 to 190 really fast, but the last 5 lbs were much slower. Myself and others can tell a difference in those 15 lbs. That's like dropping a bowling ball! I googled '15 lb fish' to get a visual on what kind of size 15 lbs is, it's amazing. I have pants that don't fit anymore and belts that are becoming too large (can use 4th hole from end on them). Although I'm more lean, I haven't noticed any particular increase in arm muscles though, but no loss either. My quads though seem bigger and defined when I flexed them last night.

Today's is the first day of the 'recovery week' and the routine was new to me:
Core Cardio & Balance.

Although it's recovery, the cardio was still pretty good - you just get some more rest in between. No pauses on this tape were needed. And after reading others experiences on the 'shoulder burner' exercises, I am proud to say I made it through those successfully without dropping my arms. I could feel the burn though, just kept going. On another part though where you balance on one leg and extend, I lost my balance more than once and had to restart - might be my goal for this week to tackle that.

Overall, I really liked this DVD. I could see people using it as a daily maintenance kind of routine later on post-Insanity.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I was curious if you finished Insanity, i don't see anything beyond day 29? Please update ;) Thanks, Rob

Joe K. Crump said...

Just saw this comment -- Not finished yet (as of 6/12/2011). I was originally going to blog everyday but when the workouts started repeating and there wasn't anything particularly new, I skipped blogging those days. I'll probably log once a week unless there's something new to report.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing insanity. I just finished week 27 and I can't wait for core cardio. I've been using a small treadmill for my current routine hoping to mix up the two from now on.