Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Insanity Complete

I just finished round 1 of Insanity.
Results: 26 lbs lost and blood pressure much improved!

Starting Weight: 200 lbs
Ending Weight: 174.4 lbs

Starting Blood Pressure: 128 / 78 (pre-hypertension level)
Ending Blood Pressure: 99 / 62 (athlete level)

People can tell I look different, not only at the waist but in the face as well. More importantly, I am much healthier now.

After a short break, I'll be looking forward to another BeachBody program (just haven't decided which yet!)

Fit Test Results below. These are going straight through the tests with no pauses.

Exercise Day 1   Day 15   Day 36   Day 50   Day 63
Switch Kicks ? 51 59 61 118
Power Jacks 33 37 47 50 53
Power Knees 60 75 82 91 104
Power Jumps 12 26 39 50 50
Globe Jumps 3 6 8 9 10
Suicide Jumps 7 10 12 12 14
Push-up Jacks 6 17 20 24 26
Low Obliques 30 51 60 66 68

Lots of improvements, especially from Day 1 where the test wiped me out. From here, I'm leaning toward doing another round of Insanity but incorporating some weight resistance days.