Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Insanity Workout - Day 16 (Week 3 day 2)

Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Knocked this out during lunch hour. My energy level was down quite a bit so not sure I started this one with full energy/passion. The warm up got me going though and worked up a good sweat into the stretching. Threw in about 3-4 pauses on the rest of the session, mostly at the existing breaks just to give me an extra 30-seconds or so to recover better. The last sprint is nice where the music changes and Shaun T is inspiring people. My legs were giving out on those in-out abs section and cheated a bit moving legs one at a time when I couldn't jump them in. But finally the punching-sequence kicked in where you know it's all downhill!

After working out and getting a meal, energy levels were way up, alert, and feeling good.

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