Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Insanity Workout - Day 2

Just finished Day 2 of Insanity! Yay!

After my experience on Day 1 (puking at end), I read up on others similar experiences and concluded it was because my heart rate got too high. I picked up a heart rate monitor as others suggested and this time paused the DVD whenever my heart rate was in the 190s. I only paused for a minute though to make sure my heart rate got back to 170 and breath caught up. I think this was key because even doing that I had a burp or two similar to day 1 where on that day I eventually threw up. But this time, none of that. The workout was still a struggle though even with the extra pauses.

I believe this workout identified my biggest challenge - leg strength. I found through the first 20 minutes or so, my upper body felt great but my legs were turning mushy. I think I'll start doing much better all around once they get some improvement.

Lots of sweat and struggle so I got a great work-out. But there's a LOT of room for improvement and I'm looking forward to being able to keep up in the future and power through the entire session.

PS: Even though it feels like cheating with the pauses, it seems like the right thing to do if your heart rate is really high so I'd recommend that to others. If I kept going instead of pausing today I wouldn't have continued the moves as strongly. And even with pausing, it's still high intensity interval training, just with a longer interval (they only give 30 seconds which feels like just enough to water up and wipe sweat off).

Hang in there!

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