Monday, June 9, 2008

Nutri-grain bars

I was looking for a snack this afternoon since I missed lunch, and saw these Apple-cinnamon Nutrigrain bars. I just started a new exercise program last week (daily cycling + minor weight lighting) to prepare for some upcoming mountain hiking, so I was in the mood to try something healthy.

I'm a 'fast food' junkie and never eat health foods. I was amazed at how good it tasted. So I naturally started thinking, 'Hey, these taste so good, I could eat these all the time.' And of course, I then proceeded to do some web searches to see what others thought of them.

Doh! I should have known - they tasted too good to be 'healthy.' They are criticized over and over again for their sugar content and likened to a regular 'candy bar' rather than a health bar. Shoot!

I guess it's at least somewhat better than other snack foods you might choose though, so I might try them as a substitute for a regular candy bar when the snack-urge hits.

By the way, Nutri-grain itself isn't alone - it's breakfast bars in general. There are a lot of references on the web if you care to search, but here's one example link for you with more information:

PS: One 'good' thing that came of this though, was that I found a lot of hikers recommend these. Since they tasted good to me, I think I'm going to shove a few of these in my hiking pack.

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