Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Insanity Workout - Day 22 (Week 4 day 1)

Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs

I haven't logged about Insanity since the last Pure Cardio by coincidence. The discs by this point have repeated enough that there isn't much to report differently. I did run into someone today though that I hadn't seen in a few months and he said he could visibly tell I had lost weight just by my face. I thought that was interesting because although I can tell I have a flatter stomach, I didn't realize my face had tightened up.

I felt really strong through the warm-up this time. Often times in the first round of the warm-up the jumping jacks would hurt my legs slightly but then that would ease up. This time I felt really comfortable which was nice. Later in Cardio Abs though with the "jump and bring elbows to knees" move though, I started feeling some pain so slowed that down real quick.

I got further into Pure Cardio than I had before and only paused 3 times. One obviously needed, the other two I did to make sure I could execute the moves strongly. For example, I felt OK at the last exercise (push up jacks) but took a quick pause/break so I could do that intensely.

I was 187.0 lbs this morning. Looking forward to breaking into 186 territory any day and eventually the 185 milestone. I'm feeling like the rest of this month won't be a problem to execute on and glad I'll start seeing some different videos soon (even though I hear they're rough!).

Another very welcome change, my blood pressure has improved dramatically. When I started I read 128/78 (pre-hypertension range). I've steadily gone down and now am at 105 / 67 which is near athlete territory, sweet!

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